Liebster Award

The lovely Gina Ciancio from the Style Curator has nominated me for the Liebster award which is awarded from bloggers to bloggers to share things we love and show our support in the blogging community. Just in case you are not familiar with Gina’s blog, she has the most beautiful and inspiring blog about decorating and interiors. And the best part of all, is that she also calls home this beautiful and freezing cold clean city called Canberra.

Claudia_Owen_Liebster_AwardAs part of the nomination I need to answer these 10 questions and then I will nominate 10 other bloggers and set up 10 questions for them to answer.

So here are my 10 questions and answers:

1.Who, what, and/or where does your blogging inspiration come from?
I usually blog about design work that I find interesting or that I find beautiful and I feel it should be shared with the world. I also sometimes blog as a way to do research. For example, if I wanted to create designs that were inspired by nature then I’ll probably want to blog about someone who has beautiful nature photographs.

2. What makes you laugh out loud?
My husband is usually quite good at making me laugh. He can do some pretty silly stuff!

3. Do you prefer the indoors or outdoors?
If it’s a nice sunny day, definitely outdoors but if the temperature drops below 18 degrees you’ll probably find me inside with a warm cup of tea.

4. What time of day do you write the best content for your blog?
For this one I don’t have much choice. ALL my work gets done between 8pm and 12pm. It’s the only time I have for myself. The rest of the time you’ll find me playing with my daughter 🙂

5. What’s your most prized object (not person)?
This is easy. My beloved computer!

6. How do you unwind?
By sitting right here in front of my computer… I don’t need much more than this beautiful piece of equipment.

7. What are three of your future goals?
1. I think above all I want to live a creative life. I want to spend every single day creating or designing beautiful things
2. To establish myself as an independent designer and have a successful lifestyle brand
3. To see my designs on major retail stores. I’d like to see my designs on all kinds of products but more specifically on home wares and fashion.

8. Where do you do most of your blogging?
I do it all at home at night with a nice cup of tea and a biscuit 🙂

9. What is your favourite quote?
Right now the quote I have on my wall is: Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

10. What is the best thing about you?
I’m focused and I’m persistent and I never give up on things that really matter to me.

Now it’s my turn to nominate 10 other bloggers for the Liebster award and my nominees are:
Nadia from City Mum Rural Life, Theresa from A Little Bird Made Me, Rosemarie from Travel and Beyond, Lauren from The Travel Romantic, Angie from Gnome Angel, Gary from Yummy Lummy, Peta from Peta Rudd Stylist and Photographer, Jelirad from Jelirad Surface Pattern Design, Wini from Art Love and Joy and Gabriela Buckingham.

To my wonderful nominees, this is what you have to do next:
– link back and recognise the blogger who nominated you
– answer the 10 questions given by the nominator
– nominate 10 other bloggers for the award
– create 10 questions for nominees to answer
– notify your nominees

My 10 questions are:

  1. If money wasn’t an issue what would your dream career be?
  2. Name 3 things that are on your bucket list
  3. Share a happy childhood memory
  4. When you picture yourself living your dream life, what do you see?
  5. What are you working on right now that has got you all excited?
  6. Share something unique/weird about you
  7. Name one person that you admire and why?
  8. What was your favorite toy as a child?
  9. Name one technique or strategy that is working well for your blog right now
  10. Name one app or tool that you can’t live without. (For example: Evernote, Wunderlist)

Thank you all for participating!

Until next time, take care xx

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